Saturday, March 15, 2008

When can we give up and call Saggy Bill?

Today we did a 40 mile Kent to Black Diamond loop, which would have been a beautiful ride if it hadn't rained for the first half of it. And right before the halfway mark I totally lost steam - which a snack actually seemed to help. Maybe I need more breakfast than my usual yogurt and granola?! (One of the coaches suggested french fries before a ride. I could totally get on board with that idea.) Or maybe I could/should be more diligent about getting those weekday miles in...

As an added bonus, several other things went wrong for me. I often get numb toes in my bike shoes and someone suggested it could be as simple as too-tight socks, so I tried different socks than my regular thin Smartwool. And I regretted it. It was also the first time I had used my new gloves in the all-out rain. Right after the halfway bakery, I couldn't feel my toes and couldn't work my breaks with my frozen fingers - and I started to genuinely worry about how long you can go without feeling in your appendages before you start losing them (anyone know?). And being covered with mud, even in my mouth, was getting old.

Finally I did the seemingly impossible, and I asked for help which luckily I received in the form of a hand warmer - don't leave home without them. And how am I rewarded? Flat Tire. So the whole team (7 people) who were cold themselves had to wait and get more cold while I clumsily wrestled with the tire. I was dangerously close to calling Saggy Bill, the driver of the S.A.G. (Support And Gear) vehicle, to come extract me from the field permanently and figure out if I could give people their money back. (Yes, they really call him Saggy Bill, and he doesn't seem to mind.)

What exactly is the universe trying to teach me?! Yes, I have trouble being vulnerable and depending on people. I just didn't know I was going to have to work on it here. I thought the physical part was challenge enough. As my therapist's friend would call it, "another f***ing opportunity for personal growth!"

I've had better days. But I've had worse. And many other people have had much worse. So the adventure goes.

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